443 seedling trays and 45 hose pipes funded by 88 people to create 45 school food gardens in 24 African countries! Who knew 88 people had the power to make such a massive difference! That's all it took to raise R63000 in only 60 days with Thundafund Crowdfunding Cafe. And while we have truly been astounded by the power of the people and what they can achieve when working together, that's not what this is about. This is a plain and simple heart-felt thank you.
Thank you to Andrea & Patrick at Thundafund who ensured our campaign had the largest chance of success as well as offered endless patience and support. We literally could not have done this without you and really appreciate the time you took to engage with us (and we know every other project on your books too!)
Thank you to all friends and family from all across the globe who constantly shared our project in every way possible and truly were better PR agents than any money could buy.
Finally thank you to every single financial supporter. We were truly humbled by your willingness to support our project but also to support us as individuals. Your contribution will make a lasting difference and what we show below is just the beginning!
Words and Infographic by Tracy Angus-Hammond (@T2T_Trace)